Fire Alarm Panels
Conventional or Addressable Panels
It is designed for indoor installation.
EN 54-2 and EN 54-4 certified;
Conventional fire panel;
Compatible with all manufactured conventional detectors;
Fire lines 2, 4, 6, 8 or 16 Zone
Outputs – 4 relay-type embedded;
Additional outputs / optional / – 2/4/6/8 number relay type, with the addition of a module M9000R – 2/4/6/8;
Control lines and monitoring outputs for fault conditions (short circuit and interruption) and automatic reset;
Light indication for Fire condition, Fault, Disable and Test;
Ability to delay controllable outputs and general fire for a period of 0 to 7 min. after the state registration of fire;
Built-in sounder for fire – one tonal, continuous with the possibility of exclusion;
Status Test each fire alarm lines;
Ability to disable any of fire alarm lines;
Ability to disable controllable outputs;
Optical Smoke Detectors
Used for smoke detection
It is designed for indoor installation.
Conventional Optical smoke detector;
Certified: EN 54-7 ;
Supply voltage: (9-30) V / DC
Power consumption in Duty condition: ≤ 130 µА
Consumption in “Fire” condition: 20 mА/ 24V DC
Operating temperature range: minus 10°С ÷ plus 50°С;
Protected area: Circle with diameter 15m, h 11m.
Heat Detectors
Used for rise in Heat Temperature
It is designed for indoor installation.
Conventional fire heat detector;
Certified EN 54-5;
Rate of rise heat detector / Static response temperature 65°С ;
Fixed temperature heat detector / Static response temperature 65°С;
Supply voltage: (9-30) V / DC;
Power consumption in Duty condition: ≤ 130 µА;
Operating temperature range: minus 10°С ÷ plus 50°С;
Protected area: Circle with diameter 10m, h 8m.
Smoke and Heat Detectors
Used to detect smoke or heat
It is designed for indoor installation.
Combines Optical smoke and Heat detector;
Certified EN 54-5 and EN 54-7;
Class Heat – Rate of rise heat detector/ Static response temperature 65°С;
Supply voltage: (9-30) V / DC;
Power consumption in Duty condition: ≤ 130 µА;
Operating temperature range: minus 10°С ÷ plus 50°С;
Protected area: Circle with diameter 10m, h 8m.
Manual Call Point
Used to trigger the Fire Alarm manually
It is designed for indoor installation.
Manual Call Point Detector;
Certified EN 54-11 and EN 54-17;
Power consumption in Duty condition: ≤ 350 µА;
Consumption in “Fire” condition: 3 mА.
External & Internal Fire Siren
It is designed for indoor and outdoor installation.
Wired siren for interior and exterior fire
Loudness 102dB at 1m
32 alarm tones
High base for easy installation
Power supply 24 VDC